Giving to Our Community

This year our organization has reflected on our role in the Washington community and what that means. On top of providing quality homes, we have dedicated our focus to building up local businesses, communities, and charities.
In our continuing effort to support our Washington community, we auctioned the staging furniture from our Solaire, Ten Trails, Meadowleaf, and Perkins Prairie model homes and donated the proceeds to local charities. So far this year, we have raised nearly $23,000, and we’re not done yet.
In addition to the cash donations to these local charities, we donated unsold furniture to help get families back on their feet. The following outlines how these charities give back to our Washington community.
Vision House helps break the cycle of homelessness for families with children. Race doesn’t matter. Neither does religion, national origin, gender, or sexual preference . . . every person deserves a healthy home. It’s not a privilege, but a basic human right.
Guided by the belief that every woman is worthy, WWIN empowers women in Washington State to achieve economic stability through higher education and living wage careers.
World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. We partner with local churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.
Bring healing, build community, and transform the lives of students and families in Bellevue. Serve and love in and around our public schools. Our staff and volunteers meet the needs of students and families in the public schools, at the Jubilee REACH Center, at the Jubilee REACH Thrift Store, and at Community Building Events.
Everyone at Conner Homes is dedicated to improving the community that we call home. If you want to learn more about each of these charities or give directly to them, please click through to their websites.
Note: cash donations have been given to Vision House, Washington Women in Need and YWCA. Furnishings that have helped families get on their feet have been donated to both Vision House and World Relief. The balance of the furnishings not used by these organizations has gone to Jubilee Reach.
