Giving Back: Our Focus to Help Local Communities

Conner Homes take pride in our dedication to our role in the Washington community. On top of building great homes and customer experiences, we have dedicated our focus to building up local businesses, communities, and charities. There's no better way to get to know and serve our community than to give back! In our continuing effort to support our community, we have donated over $85,000 this year.
Learn more about how these nonprofits and charitable organizations give back to our Washington community.
A Social service agency in Renton and Shoreline, Washington, Vision House helps break the cycle of homelessness for families with children. Race doesn’t matter. Neither does religion, national origin, gender, or sexual preference . . . every person deserves a healthy home. It’s not a privilege, but a basic human right.
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. They believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
WWIN's programs support women on their journey to economic stability by providing scholarships for higher education and equipping them with the skills they need to successfully launch their new careers. Since 1992, WWIN has provided more than 7,000 grants to women in Washington.
Friends of Youth is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving youth and young families facing circumstances of homelessness, foster care, and behavioral health challenges. Providing basic needs resources for young adults experiencing homelessness including shelter, food, showers, laundry, clothing, and hygiene materials.
They build partnerships in communities across Washington to get food where it’s needed most. They provide an average of two million meals each month through their network of 375 food banks, meal programs, and high-need schools. Northwest Harvest provides nutritious, culturally appropriate food to anyone in need while respecting people’s dignity and promoting good health.
A nonprofit organization on a mission to end family homelessness for good. They connect people with the resources and support they need to maintain and regain stability for themselves and their families—and to achieve positive, lasting change in their lives. They believe every family—and in particular, every child—deserves a stable home. A place to feel safe and the confidence and sense of security that comes with it.
Conner Homes is dedicated to helping our community stronger as our top goal and is honored to help strengthen the communities around us.